May 1, 2025
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French Revolution
27 Feb 2020
Created by
Alasdair English
Stuart Britain: Crisis in Monarchy
Alasdair English
24 Jul 2020
History of Journalism
Alasdair English
23 Feb 2021
Louis XVI succeeds to the throne
Maupeou and Terray are dismissed, the old parlementary system is restored
Necker joins the Governement
France allies with the independent colonies of America
Necker publishes his compte rendu
Necker resigns from the Government
The peace of Paris and the American War of independence
Calonnes becomes Controller General of finances
Marie Antoinette is discredited with the 'Diamond Necklace Affair'
Calonnes proposes a series of fiscal reforms to Louis XVI
Franklin visits Versailles
Louis XVI declares war on England in support of American revolution
Assembly of Notables meet
Calonne is dismissed
Brienne is appointed to the Government
Assembly of Notables is dismissed
Paris parlement petitons king to call Estates General to approve new taxes
Parlement remonstrate against land tax and is exiled
Day of Tiles in Grenoble
France declared bankruptcy
Announcement of the Estates General
Sieyes publishes - 'What is the Third Estate?'
opening of the Estates General
National Assembly
Tennis Court Oath
Storming of the Bastille
August decrees
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Women's march to Versailles
Church Property seized
Issuance of the Assignat
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Louis XVI accepts the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Oath to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Royal Family's flight to Varennes
Louis XVI is suspended from office
Champ de Mars massacre
Declaration of Pillnitz
Constitution of 1791
The Legislative Assembly meet
Decrees against emigres and refactory priests
Declaration of war on Austria
Dismissal of the Girondin ministers
Sans-Culottes Journee to the Tuilleries
Declaration: 'La Patrie en danger'
Publication of the Brunswick manifesto
Sans Culottes second journee to the Tuilleries
Suspension of Louis XVI
Formal abolition of the monarchy
Establsihment of the republic
Battle at Valmy
The trial and execution of Louis XVI
Execution of Louis XVI
Declaration of war on Britain and the Unitedd Provinces
Declaration of war on Spain
Revolutionary tribunal
Revolutionary Tribunal surpressed
Revolt in the Vendee
Vendeans create "Catholic and Royal army"
Creation of CPS
fIrst Law of Maximum
Expulsion of the Girondins
Assassination of Marat
Levee en masse
Sans Culottes Journee
Law of Suspects
execution of Marie Antoinette
Execution of Girondins leaders
Victory at Toulan
Arrest and execution of Herbatists
Festival of the Supreme Being
Law of 22 Prairial
French victory at Fleures
Overthrow of Robespierre
Closure of Jacobin Clubs
Abolition of General Maxims
Journee of Germinal
Jounee of Prairial
Constitution of year III
Rising of Vendemiaire
Insallation of the Directory
Napolon Commander of the Interior
Italian Campaign
Montenotte Campaign
Piedmont withdraw from First Coalition
Babeuf Conspiracy
Treaty of Toutine
Victory at Arcola
2 client states
Victory at Rivoli
Napoleon occupied Venice
Extension of 2 Client States
Peace terms with Austria
Basis of Camp Formio
Coup of Fructidor
Campo Formio
Expedition to Egypt and Syria begin
Invasion of Eqypt
Napoleon sent to Egypt
Invasion of Malta
Battle of the Nile
Siege of Jaffa
Sieyes accepts position of Director
Eve of Brumaire
Coup of Brumaire
Constitution of Year VIII
Churches open all day
Plot to kill Napoleon
Plebiscite of 1800
Failed Dagger Conspiracy
Napoleon Answered a letter from a Royalist:
Reduction of Newspapers
Sunday = day of rest
Law revising French administrative system
Napoleon blocked wishes of Tribunate and Legislative body
Treaty of Luneville
Peace Treaty of Amiens
New Law Established
Constitution of Year X
Renewal of War with Britain
Conspiracy of the Duc d'Enghien
Napoleon Crowned Himself
Battle of Ulm
Battle of Trafalgar
Battle of Austerlitz
Battle of Eylau
Peace of Tilsit
Annexing of the Papal States
Berlin decree
'Orders in Council'
Milan decree
Tsar Alexander I opted out of the Blockade system
Franco-Spanish army took Lisbon
Spanish army defeated Napoleon's rule
Napoleon imposed his brother on the Spanish throne
French defeated by the British
Napoleon placed himself in command of Spain
Napoleon forced to leave Spain to deal with Austrians
Wellington returned to Lisbon with 30,000 troops
Wellignton could advance
Tsar Alexander I broke Napoleon's trade embargo
Tsar allies with Sweden
Napoleon begins invasion of Russia
Prussia signed a seperate armistice with Russia
Britain join Prussia and Russia
Napoleon declared war on Prussia
Napoleon faced Fourth Coalition
Wellesly captured Madrid
Treaty of Chaumont
The allies entered Paris
Treaty of Fontainebleau
Guerilla war in Spain
Napoleon divorced Josephine
Napoleon and Marie Louise marry
Napoleon and Marie Louise had a baby
Napoleon fled Russia
Battle at Leipzig
Napoleon renounced his throne
Battle of Waterloo
Long term causes
Revolutionary Year
The Terror
Coup of Thermidor and dismantling of the Terror
The Directory
Spanish War
Polish War
Austrian War
Seven Year War
Elections to the Estates General
Great fear
September massacres
Meeting of the National Convention
Insurrection of 31st May - 2nd June
Financial crisis turned into Political crisis
Building of the Constitution
Constitutional Monarchy
Trial and Execution
Napoleon's rise to power
Arrest and execution of Dantonists
White Terror
Campaign in Palastine and Syria
Napoleon purged the Senate
Napoleon's downfall
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