April 1, 2024

Parliament of Russia, or Russian Parliament

Updated 11 months ago
This timeline shows the history of the Russian Parliament. ⠀ ⠀ In Russia, during the time of the estate-representative monarchy (16th and 17th centuries), there was a special body - the Zemsky Sobor. Sometimes he elected a Tsar and made important decisions for the country. At first, it is similar to the nascent Parliaments in Europe (the Parliament in England, the Estates General in France), but the power of the Tsar was unlimited (Autocracy, or Samoderzhaviye), so it is impossible to call the Zemsky Sobor a parliament. Only in 1906, the Russian parliament was created by Emperor Nicholas II. State Soviet (1906* - 1917), State Duma (1906 - 1917); Pre-Parliament (1917); Constituent Assembly (1918); Congress of Soviets (1917 - 1936): - Central Executive Committee (1917 - 1938); Supreme Soviet (1938 - 1989**); Congress of People's Deputies (1989 - 1993): - Supreme Soviet (1989 - 1993); Federal Assembly (1993 - today): - Upper house: Soviet of Federation (1994 - today), - Lower house: State Duma (1994 - today). ⠀ * The State Soviet was established on 1 January 1810 as a advisory body. ** Supreme Soviet continued to exist as a body under the Congress of People's Deputies. ⠀ Other timelines about the Russian state power: List of rulers of Russia: https://time.graphics/line/460029 Timeline Government of Russia: https://time.graphics/line/489399




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