June 15, 2024

State Soviet [Updated] (feb 20, 1906 – feb 26, 1917)


The State Soviet was founded on 1 January 1801 by Alexander I and Mikhail Speransky. However, this body was an advisory body.. The Soviet prepared laws that the Emperor could accept or reject. The State Council met in the Mariinsky Palace of St. Petersburg (from 1914 Petrograd).
In 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev restored the State Soviet as an extraordinary body of power during the collapse of the Soviet Union to confer with the Presidents of the Soviet republics. Later, this body was created by Yeltsin to confer with the most important officials. Vladimir Putin added this body to the constitution in 2020. Until 2012, the Soviet consisted of governors. Now the President chooses who will participate in the Soviet meeting.

Added to timeline:


feb 20, 1906
feb 26, 1917
~ 11 years