June 15, 2024

Soviet of Federation (dec 25, 1993 – 19h 26min, jun 15, 2024 y)


Initially, the Federation Council was an advisory body, which included the President of the USSR, the Vice-President of the USSR and the Presidents of the Soviet republics. But after the collapse of the USSR, this body was abolished. The Federation Council was restored in 1993 with the adoption of the Russian Constitution of 1993. It is now the upper house of Parliament. The first composition of the Council was elected for 2 years, then it was a permanent government body. It included the governors and chairmen of the legislative bodies of the subjects of the Federation. Vladimir Putin changed this: now there are 2 representatives from the subjects of the Federation, 30 representatives from all of Russia, who is appointed by the President (7 of them for life) and the ex-President of Russia (can refuse).
Meetings of the Federation Soviet are held in Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street, 26.

Added to timeline:


dec 25, 1993
19h 26min, jun 15, 2024 y
~ 30 years