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This timeline shows a graph from 1980 to 2003 of Angola. No data until 1979. Number of actual observations by date: 4.
Source name:
World Development Indicators
Source organization:
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Arms Transfers Programme (
Categories, topics:
Public Sector, Trade
Last updated:
apr 23, 2017
Indicators value changes by year
8.0 mln
jan 1, 1993
At the date of observation
Absolute change
Change from the previous value
jan 1, 1980
3.0 mln
+3.0 mln
jan 1, 1981
-3.0 mln
jan 1, 1993
8.0 mln
+8.0 mln
jan 1, 2003
2.0 mln
-6.0 mln
Ranking of countries by current statistics by years