June 15, 2024

AP US History

Обновлено 24 дн назад
I've color-coded all events/developments based on their importance: Light blue are things I call "Anchor Events." These events mark the beginning and/or end of a period, and I consider them ESSENTIAL to know. Purple are things I consider FUNDAMENTALLY IMPORTANT. Think "If I want a 2 or a low 3, I need to know these things." Green are things I consider IMPORTANT. Think "If I want a 3, 4, or low 5 I need to know these things." Yellow are things I consider NICE TO KNOW. Think "If I want to flex on the Mr. Jackonski, I need to know these things." If you click on the Period markers, you will find important information about each Unit, organized by theme. If you do nothing else, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND familiarizing yourself with these, as it will help you square away what happens when, and the major trends of the course. I also have tags for each theme of the course, if you want to look at JUST events/developments related to Politics, Geography, National Identity, etc. This is a work in progress and will be periodically updated.


