// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Stone Pyramids and Circles (Egypt & England) (jan 1, 2000 BC – jan 1, 1000 BC) (Timeline)
April 1, 2024

Stone Pyramids and Circles (Egypt & England) (jan 1, 2000 BC – jan 1, 1000 BC)


The Great Pyramid of Cheops takes twenty years to build, using millions of stone blocks.
In Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, the body of the boy-king Tutankhamen is buried with fabulous treasures. The Egyptians start to use parchment for writing.
Egypt’s Pharoahs rule well, and build a splendid new royal city at Thebes. They receive a setback when the Hyksos people invade.
The most glorious time in Egypt’s history begins after the Hyksos are driven out. The Pharaohs
plan mighty buildings such as the magnifi cient temples built by Rameses II at Abu Simbel, which are cut out of rock.
Jacob’s twelve sons flee to Egypt to escape a famine, and there they become a numerous people, but are made slaves. They escape
miraculously across the Red Sea.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 2000 BC
jan 1, 1000 BC
~ 1000 years