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22 Nov 2019
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Dylan Hoffmann
Trump Oversight Timeline
Dylan Hoffmann
22 Nov 2019
Mueller Appointed Special Counsel
AG Jeff Sessions recuses self from Russia Investigations
Resolution of Inquiry defeated in House Judiciary
FBI investigation into Sessions launched on complaint from Senators Leahy and Franken
Burr briefs WH on march 9 gang of 8 meeting w/ comey
Nunes tells Mother Junes he's never heard of Carter Page or Roger Stone
Schiff and Pelosi call for Nunes recusal
Nunes recuses himself from the House Intelligence Committee investigation.[163] The House Ethics Committee starts an investigation of Nunes's conduct in the month of March
The White House refuses to fulfill a request from the House Oversight Committee for documents related to Flynn's foreign lobbying.
Rosenstein briefs Chairman Burr and the panel's top Democrat, Warner
Rep. Al Green (D-TX) calls for Trump's impeachment from the House floor.
Flynn refuses to hand over subpoenaed documents to the Senate Intelligence Committee, citing the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination
The Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously votes to give its Republican chairman Richard Burr, and Democratic vice chairman Mark R. Warner, "blanket authority" to issue subpoenas during their investigation
Representative Brad Sherman (D-CA) begins circulating articles of impeachment to other members of Congress
Articles of Impeachment against President Trump are formally filed in the House of Representatives
Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Chris Coons (D-DE) unveil legislation designed to prevent Trump from firing Mueller
The Senate Intelligence Committee asks Sigal Mandelker for records
The House Intelligence Committee issues subpoenas to the FBI and the DoJ for documents relating to the Trump dossier. They were not complied with by the September 1 deadline; the deadline is extended to September 14
A private Senate Intelligence Committee interview with Michael Cohen is disbanded when it is learned that Cohen has shared his prepared statement with the media. Senators Burr and Warner condemn Cohen's action and announce that he will be recalled to testify publicly on October 25
Fusion GPS partners Peter Fritsch and Thomas Catán appear before the House Intelligence Committee and invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. Fritsch and Catán had both informed the committee when they received their subpoenas that they planned to invoke their Fifth Amendment rights and not testify.
The New York Times reports that Trump pressed Republicans Roy Blunt (R-MO), Richard Burr (R-NC), and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to end the Senate's Russia inquiry.
Bannon testifies to the House Intelligence Committee,[39] and remains tight-lipped, citing executive privilege.[40] He indicates he will not invoke privilege when he testifies before Mueller's grand jury.[40] The next day, Axios reports that Bannon informed the Committee that he had had a discussion with Priebus, Spicer, and Corallo about the June 2016 Veselnitskaya meeting
Bannon appears at the House Intelligence Committee under subpoena. According to committee members, he answers only 25 questions that were pre-approved by the White House, answering “no” to each, and invokes presidential executive privilege to decline answering further questions. Republican and Democratic members of the committee say they are considering seeking contempt of Congress charges
Hope Hicks testifies before the House Intelligence Committee. She declines to answer most questions, saying she has been instructed by the White House not to answer any questions relating to her time at the White House,[179] but admits that she has told lies for Trump
Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee announce the end of their investigation, over the objections of Democratic members. T
The Senate Intelligence Committee endorses the U.S. intelligence community's assessment that Russia tried to help Trump win the 2016 presidential election, disagreeing with the House Intelligence Committee
Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis tells Bloomberg that Trump and the White House knew in advance that Cohen was going to lie to Congress and did nothing to dissuade him from doing so
Congressman Brad Sherman refiles articles of impeachment against Trump. The article charges Trump with obstructing justice by firing James Comey
Bill Barr assumes office of AG
The Democratic-controlled House Intelligence Committee votes to refer dozens of witness testimony transcripts and thousands of other documents to Mueller's office. Committee Republicans had blocked Democrat efforts to release the documents to Mueller's office when Republicans controlled the Committee in 2018
Mueller Concludes investigation adn submits report to AG barr
Attorney General William Barr releases a four-page letter to Congress highlighting the key findings by the Special Counsel's final report. Barr stated that there is not sufficient evidence that Trump obstructed justice or colluded with Russia, but did not exonerate him on obstruction
Mueller sends Barr a letter in which he asserts that Barr's March 24 letter "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions" leading to "public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation".
In a joint letter, the House intelligence committee demands that Mueller "must" brief them and provide "all materials, regardless of form and classification, obtained or produced".
The House Judiciary Committee votes 24–17 to authorize committee chairman Nadler to issue subpoenas for the unredacted version of the Mueller Report and any exhibits, underlying evidence, or other materials prepared for the investigation
The House Ways and Means Committee chairman Richard Neal formally requests copies of Trump's personal and business tax returns covering 2013 to 2018 from the IRS, and sets April 10 as the deadline for the response. By law, the committee has the authority to see anyone's confidential tax returns.
Trump attorney William S. Consovoy sends a letter to Treasury Department general counsel Brent J. McIntosh that calls Neal's request for Trump's tax returns a "gross abuse of power" and urges the department to wait for a legal opinion from the Justice Department before turning over any of Trump's tax information.
Barr appears before the House Appropriations Committee for a hearing on the Justice Department budget, and members ask him about the Mueller Report.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin tells two congressional committees that White House lawyers had an "informational" discussion with Treasury department lawyers about a potential request for Trump's tax returns before Congress formally requested them.
Barr tells the Senate Appropriations Committee that Mueller did not ask him or Congress to determine whether Trump obstructed justice. He tells the committee, "I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion." He again states that he expected to release the Mueller Report within a week.
Neal sends a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig demanding Trump's tax returns by end of business on April 23. The letter lays out a legal argument citing judicial precedents showing he has the authority to demand the documents and the Treasury Department does not have the authority to refuse.
The House Intelligence and Financial Services committees issue subpoenas to Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Citigroup demanding documents related to Trump and possible money laundering by people in Russia and Eastern Europe.
The New York Times reports that there have been numerous conversations between White House lawyers and the Justice Department about the contents of Muller's report.
Barr holds a press conference about the special counsel's report, Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election (the Mueller Report). The redacted report was released around 11 A.M. EDT. The report couldn't recommend criminal charges, due to the DoJ's OLC policy created in the wake of the Watergate scandal saying that a sitting President is unindictable.
ormer White House personnel security director Carl Kline skips a House Oversight Committee
Trump sues Cummings in attempt to block the House Oversight Chairman's subpoena of longtime accounting firm for the Trump family and businesses, Mazars USA.
Nadler issues a subpoena demanding delivery of the full version of the Mueller Report to the House Judiciary Committee by May 1.
Mnuchin sends Neal a letter expressing "some of the legal concerns" the administration has with his request for Trump's tax returns.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd sends Nadler a letter informing him that the Department of Justice will not provide the House Judiciary Committee with an unredacted copy of the Mueller Report as demanded by a Committee subpoena.
Barr fails to appear at a House Judiciary Committee hearing. The Department of Justice informed Nadler the day before that Barr objected to the committee's plan to have committee staff attorneys ask questions. Nadler ends the hearing early with a warning that Barr will be held in contempt of Congress if he does not provide the full Mueller Report and underlying evidence to the Committee.[
Barr refuses to comply with House subpeona of unredacted Mueller Report. Contempt citation scheduled for 48 hours later.
US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin refuses to give Trump's tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee
Trump asserts executive privilege over the full, unredacted Mueller Report
The US House Committee on the Judiciary votes to hold US AG Barr in contempt of Congress after he failed to comply with a subpoena ordering him to provide them with the full, unredacted version of the Mueller Report last week. The full House will vote on the measure in the near future.
House Ways and Means Committee chairman Neal subpoenas Treasury department and IRS for Trump's tax returns.
Barr appoints U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut John Durham to lead an "investigation into the investigators", and any potential criminality that may have occurred in the initiation of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation and Special Counsel investigations
In a letter to House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler, White House counsel Pat Cipollone states the White House will not comply with the Committee's March 4 letters requesting information and documents,
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig defy the May 10 subpoena of Trump's tax returns
Republican U.S. Representative Justin Amash tweets "Few members of Congress have read the [Mueller] report", while becoming the first GOP congressperson calling for Trump's impeachment.
Judge Amit Mehta of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia rules that accounting firm Mazars USA must comply with a subpoena issued by the House Oversight Committee to turn over Trump's financial records
It is reported Cohen told lawmakers earlier this year that one of Trump's personal attorneys Jay Sekulow told Cohen to lie to Congress by saying the Trump Tower Moscow deal ended nearly six months before they actually ended on Jan. 31, 2016; and suggested he might be pardoned if he helped "shut down" the Russia investigation.
At Trump's direction, McGahn fails to appear at hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee per subpoena
It is reported that according to a confidential draft legal memo written by IRS staffers the IRS must honor congressional requests for Trump's tax returns unless Trump invokes executive privilege.
Federal prosecutors refuse to comply with a court order to release redacted sections of Mueller report in regards to Flynn and with other relevant materials, saying that they're "unnecessary," and thus Judge Emmet G. Sullivan shouldn't have them
House Judiciary committee announces a series of hearings related to the Mueller Report titled "Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes"
Hicks and Donaldson are instructed by the Trump Administration to defy congressional subpoenas
Hicks testifies before the House Judiciary Committee in closed doors testimony
Regarding a potential violation of the Presidential Records Act, the House Oversight Committee chairman demands notes taken by an aide, present during a meeting between Putin and Trump during the 2017 G20 Hamburg summit which was previously undisclosed
Donaldson and the House Judiciary agree to receive her testimony
The White House blocks former chief of staff to ex-White House counsel McGahn Annie Donaldson, whose contemporaneous notes are cited 65 times in the Mueller report, from answering 212 questions about potential obstruction of justice by Trump
It is reported the DoJ is attempting to discourage Aaron Zebley and James L. Quarles, two of Robert Mueller's deputies, from testifying before Congress
Mueller testifies before the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees.[262][263] Mueller reiterated his concern over foreign interference in U.S. elections, which he considered a serious threat.
: ABC News reports the Trump administration is again invoking executive privilege to block intelligence committees from seeing classified Mueller documents
House Oversight and Reform Committee votes to subpoena senior White House officials' communications via private email accounts and messaging applications
Trump calls Boris Johnson to congratulate him on becoming the new Prime Minister of the UK. On the call, he asks Johnson to help him discredit the Mueller investigation
House Judiciary Committee sues McGahn to testify before Congress, claiming he is the "most important witness, other than the president," regarding their investigation into possible obstruction of justice by Trump
For the first time publicly, Nadler states the panel is conducting an impeachment inquiry into Trump.
A whistleblower in the U.S. intelligence community files a complaint alleging "the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.
The House Judiciary Committee issues subpoenas to Lewandowski and Rick Dearborn to testify before the committee on September 17.[300] It is reported Trump is considering invoking executive privilege again, despite Lewandowski having never worked in the White House.
The House Judiciary committee releases formal parameters of its impeachment investigation.
It is reported the House Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees are investigating reported efforts by Trump and Giuliani "to pressure the government of Ukraine to assist" Trump's re-election campaign.
Trump orders Dearborn and Rob Porter not to testify at a House Judiciary Committee hearing about Trump's possible obstruction of justice
Lewandowski refuses to answer dozens of questions about potential obstruction of justice during the House Judiciary Committee hearing "Presidential Obstruction of Justice and Abuse of Power.
The House Oversight Committee issue a subpoena to Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, as well as to three of Giuliani's associates, for documents relating to the Ukraine call.
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