nov 1, 1968 - Pakistan Revolution (lasted until March 1969)
Starting in November of 1968 and ending in March of 1969, there were a host of street uprisings in Pakistan. The uprisings were launched and led by university students, and they quickly garnered the support of unemployed people, the working class, and the middle-class intelligentsia. The students were inspired in their readings of Marx, Lennon, Mao, Tolstoy, etc. There was definitely a romantic notion of "revolution" that stirred up the movement, but their concerns were still legitimate. The uprisings were in protest of the dictatorship of Ayub Khan, the president at the time. The uprising led to many clashes with police in the street, but it still threatened the entire structure of the state. In March of 1969, Khan stepped down, and the first democratic elections were held.
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