April 1, 2024

0h 17min, jan 1, 573 y - Varen Aquilarios sparks a Separatist Revolt against Emperor Leovic.


The Colovian Revolt

When Leovic, third of the short-lived Reachman Dynasty known as the Longhouse Emperors, assumed the Ruby Throne, he legalized Daedra worship across the Empire.

Following this, however, Varen Aquilarios, the Duke of Chorrol, sparked a rebellion against him. This outraged much of the population, and copious amounts of Imperial Legionnaires donned the title of Separatist — rushing to aid the cause of the young Duke.

Varen left his homefront, the Gold Coast, in the hands of his nephew Carolus. Using large amounts of stone, Varen constructed a wall spanning around the Gold Coast, later dubbed "Varen's Wall", in order to protect the region should Leovic's forces arrive, which they eventually did.

Seeking to avoid the new strategically placed wall, the Loyalists sent a large infantry unit armed with several hundred siege weapons to distract the Separatist forces at the wall. During this clever distraction, several dozen merchant vessels docked in Anvil to the west. Unbeknownst to the denizens of the town, each ship housed a hundred Loyalist soldiers.

Once docked, the Loyalist Imperials stormed the weakly-defended town and swiftly claimed it for their own. Though word quickly reached the Separatists, they knew a western assault would leave the wall undefended, risking its collapse.

Varen summoned the military forces of the Colovian Highlands, forging a respectable Separatist navy. Secretly, he also contacted Abnur Tharn, who would later become one of his Five Companions, for assistance to "depose those foul strangers from the north". Most of the Colovian Highlanders who were recruited were placed on longboats to launch a naval siege of Anvil in an attempt to retake it. Imperial Scout Agrippa Mento served in one of those longboat units. Though a grievous blow was dealt to the Separatists, Anvil was eventually reclaimed by the Separatist forces.

Varen based his rebellion out of the city of Bruma, and subsequently won many victories across Cyrodiil. Practically all Loyalist Legionaries who were captured during the revolt were later executed for their treacherous betrayal of the Empires people — very few, if any, were purposefully spared.

Added to timeline:


0h 17min, jan 1, 573 y
~ 1452 years ago
