apr 23, 1968 - Columbia University Takeover - Student Protest
Students for Democratic Society chapters from universities across New York City joined Columbia students for a non-violent takeover of the campus. The goal of the takeover was to have a serious dialogue with the Columbia administration so that they could achieve the following:
- Open admissions: They proposed this so that a schools quality would not deflate a student's grade point average. They hoped that any student with a B+ average could be admitted. This would allow more black and brown students to attend Columbia than would normally be considered.
- Addition of Afro-Caribbean, African-American, and African history, anthropology, and literature to be added to the curriculum.
This takeover is representative of the movements and demands that were being presented at universities all around the country: more black faces in the faculty and student bodies and for the subject of blackness to be taught with equal seriousness that was given to other academic disciplines.
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