April 1, 2024

nov 23, 2018 - Sick leave scrutinized by Ms. Starish had to get doctor's note for 2 days of sick leave, which is not the policy


Told by supervisor to change the designed by block in the VFD drawings that I created and needed to remove any pencil marks on drawings as that was not professional. Changed drawings this morning. Also was told that I needed to designate leave as unapproved on the engineering google calendar if my supervisor has not approved it yet. I was told to keep my pager on me and let my boss know if I was going go far off into the plant. To the best of my knowledge I am the only being told these things.
11/23/18 9:50 AM
Asked to take sick leave on 11/30/18 for medical procedure and wanted to take sick leave 12/3/18 to recover from the procedure. Supervisor said I may have to annual leave on 12/3/18. Supervisor asked me to get a doctor’s note even though I am asking for less than 3 days of sick leave. Supervisor did say that I may be able to change it to sick leave after receiving the doctor’s note. Supervisor also noted to me that I had taken a lot of full day sick leave and inquired about the procedure I was having done and why I needed to take 2 days of sick leave. This seems inappropriate and seems familiar to the incident that happened in September where I was told I needed take 15 minutes of annual leave for talking to union representation and needed to show up on time and leave on time and lying on a government time sheet is a serious offense.

Added to timeline:

24 Aug 2019
Issues at Hoover
Issues at Hoover


nov 23, 2018
~ 5 years and 5 months ago
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