// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. James II (VII of Scotland): England (jan 1, 1685 – jan 1, 1688) (Timeline)
April 1, 2024

James II (VII of Scotland): England (jan 1, 1685 – jan 1, 1688)


The second surviving son of Charles I and younger brother of Charles II. James had been exiled following the Civil War and served in both the French and Spanish Army. Although James converted to Catholicism in 1670, his two daughters were raised as Protestants. James became very unpopular because of his persecution of the Protestant clergy and was generally hated by the people. Following the Monmouth uprising (Monmouth was an illegitimate son of Charles II and a Protestant) and the Bloody Assizes of Judge Jeffries, Parliament asked the Dutch prince, William of Orange to take the throne.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1685
jan 1, 1688
~ 3 years