April 1, 2024

Syphilis (feb 1, 1493 – dec 1, 2018)


-The name Syphilis comes from a poem called Syphilis Sive Morbus Gallicus
-Transmitted sexually and men who have sex with men are most at risk
-About a Shepard suffering from the disease and his name was syphilis
-Two competing theories of where it originated
-Columbian theory that Christopher Columbus brought in back to Europe from the Americas
-Pre-Columbian theory that it was already in Europe but went unnoticed or documented
-Caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum
-Humans are the only host and cant survive outside of human host
-Primary syphilis (2-6 weeks) characterized by painless sore at the site of infection
-Secondary syphilis (1-3 months) rash shows up all over the body
-If untreated bacteria hide out in the body for the rest of their life and 30% will develop tertiary syphilis 2-50 years after. 3 types of tertiary syphilis, 10% neurological,10% cardiovascular, 15% gumma.
-Cardiovascular syphilis leads to inflammation of the heart and death from heart attack and aneurysm
-Neurological syphilis is where thee bacteria cross the blood brain barrier and cause inflammation of the brain
-Gummatous syphilis is where it creates chronic inflammation around the skin and bones and creates massive lesions
-Treated by penicillin
-Can infect unborn babies in the womb called congenital syphilis
- Saddle nose is associated with congenital syphilis, also saber shins and mulberry molars
-In 1926, syphilis impacted 35% of thee US populaton of reproductive age

Added to timeline:

15 Dec 2018
Alex Wang Diseases in History Timeline


feb 1, 1493
dec 1, 2018
~ 526 years
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