April 1, 2024

Progressive Era (jan 1, 1880 – dec 31, 1920)


The Gilded age took place in the late 19th century and early 20th century. It was a period of greed and guile for the American people. Corrupt politicians and industrialists enjoyed extraordinary wealth at the expense of the working middle and low class. It was mainly the wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who held the most political power during the Gilded Age. This time period saw an increase of millions of new European immigrants. The rapid expansion of industrialization led to wage growth of 60% from 1860 and 1890, which would spread across the ever-increasing labor force. Overall, deregulation in this point of time was the problem. Corporations formed trust and be able to form monopolies. This led to the lack of competition areas such as steel and oil, which would allow corporate leaders to charge however much they wanted. Deregulation also extended into retail goods, as uncertified medicines and unsafe food killed thousands of Americans every year. The United States had a big percentage of unskilled workers. But by 1916, America’s cities were cleaner and healthier, factories became safer, governments less corrupt and many people had better housing, working hours and wages. Fewer monopolies meant more people could pursue the American Dream and start their own businesses. This meant an overall better American experience.

Added to timeline:

12 Dec 2018
American History


jan 1, 1880
dec 31, 1920
~ 41 years
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