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April 1, 2024

Mexican-American War (apr 25, 1846 – feb 2, 1848)


The Mexican-American War was a war between Mexico and the United States resulting from the annexation of Texas. Even though Texas revolted against Mexico and considered themselves independent, Mexico didn't recognize their independence. So, when the United States annexed Texas, Mexico viewed the action as the United States taking Mexican land. Mexico physically acted first by crossing the Rio Grande and capturing and killing 11 American soldiers. The war continued for approximately two years and ended when the United States won and the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was signed. The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was comprised of two main parts: the Rio Grande is the southern border of Texas, and the US gained and purchased California and New Mexico for $15 million.

The Mexican-American War is significant because it resulted in the acquisition of Texas, California, and New Mexico, further increasing the American desire for westward expansion and fulfilling their "manifest destiny".

"A war of conquest is bad; but the present war has darker shadows. It is a war for the extension of slavery over a territory which has already been purged by Mexican authority from this stain and curse."
-Charles Sumner

Added to timeline:


apr 25, 1846
feb 2, 1848
~ 1 years and 9 months
