April 1, 2024

Feudal Japan Sengoku Era (jun 22, 1400 – jun 22, 1500)


Sengoku Era (1400~1500)
Shogun and Shogunate had no power due to peasant revolts and political struggle between samurais.

Since the central power weakened, daimyos(warlords) from every state rose up and started fighting each other.

Daimyos - tried to survive long. Because they wanted to live long, they came up with regular tax collection, supported the construction of an irrigation system and other public works, and built strong rural communities. Without peasant’s support, they could not stay as a daimyo. This was the time of great technological improvement in parts such as a farming tool.

Wealthy merchant class emerged during this time period in Osaka and Kyoto. Women in the merchant class enjoyed greater freedom and rights than women in other societies.

Oda Nobunaga - conquered all Japan with his legendary military strategy, then got killed by his men at the Temple.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi - he became the new shogun after Oda’s death. He truly unified Japan, set clear line distinguishing different social classes. He is also famous for invading Korea and planning invasion toward China and Mongol (Mongol got mad and invaded Japan, but they got sucked into a typhoon)

Tokugawa Ieyasu - the first shogun of Edo period. The true winner of sengoku era. Waited 30 years under Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Killed Hideyoshi’s son, and burned Osaka castle. Moved the capital to Kyoto.

Added to timeline:

3 Dec 2018
Davs Keewan timeline


jun 22, 1400
jun 22, 1500
~ 100 years


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