April 1, 2024

Saints & Sinners (oct 1, 2018 – oct 31, 2018)



The morning of October 31, characters wake up to discover a bundle of clothing at the foot of their bed, wherever they happen to have been sleeping: 1 pair shoes, 1 bottom, 1 top, 1 accessory of reasonable type and size (handbag, necklace, earrings, belt, etc.). The style is CASUAL, and the bundle is tied together with a bow in the character's scrub color. The clothes may be any color or style, as long as they are CASUAL. On the top of the bundle is an invitation printed on plain white card stock: Put on your new outfit and join the festivities in the corn field next to the inn. Except, there isn't a corn field next to the inn, right?

The area to the immediate west of the South Village inn, behind the police station, is now cleared and planted with a couple of acres of fully-mature corn loaded with corn ready to pick.

As the sun sets, characters have brief trouble with their vision — Like they have something in their eye, or have been crying, or are looking at a mirage. This clears quickly to reveal the party has changed: Instead of a harvest feast, there is now an opulent masquerade set before them, and if they wore their new clothes to the party, they themselves are part of the change.

Anyone who opted in by wearing their new clothes will be dressed in a costume for a SAINT or a SINNER. These roles will be assigned to ensure an even amount of each, as will the costumes, although we will happily take suggestions into consideration if you put them on your sign-up form. If multiple people ask for the same role, we will use the RNG. Please make sure that your suggestions work with the theme of Saints and Sinners: Devil/Angel, Tart/Vicar, Criminal/Police, etc. Everyone will have a match for their costume. You may sign up two characters together for a "couples costume" — Meaning their costumes pair together. ANYONE may sign up for couples costumes, you don't have to be romantically involved! Characters can be friends, colleagues, strangers, whatever! Also, it's a masquerade, so everyone will have some sort of mask they may choose to wear or not.

When the sun comes up on November 1, everything disappears, with two exceptions: The corn field will remain with all that corn to bolster winter stores, and characters will be back in their original, new outfits they woke up to.


Added to timeline:

20 Jan 2019
Sixth Iteration Event Timeline
The events listed here have all been thoroughly documented I...


oct 1, 2018
oct 31, 2018
~ 1 months


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