June 15, 2024

Haiti's Future (jan 1, 2040 – jan 1, 2050)


Haiti was one of the countries that leafing the black slavery and the first one to abolish in the early 19th century. 1492 - Christopher Columbus lands and names the island Hispaniola.
In June of 1804, the inauguration of the First Empire of Haiti marked a pivotal moment in history. General Jean Jacques Dessalines, in the wake of a triumphant uprising by rebel slaves against French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte, declared the establishment of the independent black republic of Haiti. This landmark event holds significance as it represents the first instance in recorded history where a nation achieved independence through a successful revolt led by enslaved individuals.
In the future, Haiti will continue to be controlled by the gangs since there were so many of them that the government could not even stop them. The food shortage will be great and medical care will be terrible because the insecurity is so great that people will not even be able to leave their homes, in addition to the fact that the gangs decided to close hospitals by armed force. Also many people from Haiti are going to want to migrate and some neighboring countries are going to give the opportunity for people from Haiti to come to their country and stay there, but this does not depend on the people but on the gangs so migrating will not be an option. easy task for the people of Haiti. On the part of the gangs, they don't care if they hurt children, women or men, they don't care, although the United States government took all the children out of Haiti by paying the gangs a good amount of money. The pollution in Haiti is going to be too much and there will be few people left because of this plus the majority of people migrated to other parts so in the end all that will be left is Haiti and the gangs.

Added to timeline:

1 months ago


jan 1, 2040
jan 1, 2050
~ 10 years
