June 15, 2024

Winds of change (jan 1, 1957 – oct 1, 1963)


Churchill and Eden had little involvement in decolonisation, following Attlee's attitude.

But, as soon as Macmillan became Prime Minister, decolonisation spread along the Commonwealth and Empire.

Between January 1957 and October 1963, 20 colonies became independent.

This was for a multitude of reasons such as trade.

Trade had almost halved between the Empire and the Commonwealth during the 1960s.

Additionally, imperialism was dying. Relations with countries long under imperialist control acted as warning such as the French and Indo-China and the Soviet Union's aggression.

This is recognised in Macmillan's "Winds of change" speech, in which he says decolonisation will occur, "whether we like it or not".

Britain manage to achieve decolonisation to most of their previously owned countries better than most colonail powers.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1957
oct 1, 1963
~ 6 years and 9 months