June 15, 2024

Act of Better Government of India, 1858 (jan 1, 1858 – dec 31, 1858)


- India to be governed by and in the name of the Crown(Her Majesty)through a Secretary of State(SOS) and a council of 15 --> creation of a new office i.e Secretary of State for India, vested with complete authority and control over Indian Administration
- It established a 15 membered council of India to assist the SOS of India. The council was advisory in nature with SOS as Chairman
- GG became the Viceroy --> his prestige, if not authority increased
- It ended the system of double government by abolishing the BOC and COD --> System of Dual Government introduced by Pitt's India Act came to an end
- The initiative and final decision was to be with the secretary of state and the council was to be advisory

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1858
dec 31, 1858
~ 12 months