June 15, 2024

The Charter Act of 1833 (jan 1, 1833 – dec 31, 1833)


- Territories to be governed in the name of Crown --> lease extended for 20 years
- End of the Monopoly --> Company monopoly on trade in China and tea is removed --> company became purely administrative body
- It provided that the company's territories were held by it 'in trust for his majesty, his heirs and successors'
- Wholesale colonization of India --> All restrictions on European migration and the acquisition of property in India were lifted
- Strengthening of GG powers
* given the power to superintend, control, and direct all civic and military affairs of the company
* Bengal, Madras, Bombay, and all other territories placed under complete control of the GG --> created for the 1st time, GOI, having authority over the entire territorial area possessed by British --> Lord William Bentick was the 1st GG of India
* Laws made under previous acts were called regulations and under this act called Acts
* All revenue was to be raised under the name of GG and he also had control over expenditure
- Drastic deprivation in legislative powers of Madras and Bombay Governments --> need to propose to the GG all necessary changes
- A law member added to the GG council for professional advice on law-making. Also codification and consolidation of Indian laws
- No Indian citizen was to be denied employment under the company based on religion, color, birth, descent
- Direction on steps to be taken to ameliorate conditions of Slavery --> Slavery was abolished in 1843

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1833
dec 31, 1833
~ 12 months