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April 1, 2024

Impressionism (apr 20, 1865 – jan 5, 1886)


Impressionism is an art movement that focused on painting the quality of light with a sense of immediacy similar to photography. Brilliant color, sensual surface effects, and fleeting sensory perceptions are the primary focus, while line and shape are meaningless. The movement was highly influenced by the flatness of Japanese prints.

When a group of artists including Cézanne, Degas, Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, and Sisley were rejected from the Academy due to their art being more of an "impression" than actual art, the term "impressionism" was coined. The group then hosted private exhibitions. The Academy faded away with the rise of the impressionists because of their unique quality of art that blatantly ignored the Academy's standards. They left a legacy that allowed anyone, even if they weren't accepted into the Academy, to become an artist.

Impressionism changed as the world changed around them. Because it broke through so many traditions, it created a new path for art. In the years following this movement, artists continued to pave their own way in the art world.

Added to timeline:

4 Jun 2018


apr 20, 1865
jan 5, 1886
~ 20 years