July 1, 2024

Shamgar (Irsu / Su) (jul 1, 1191 BC – jul 1, 1186 BC)


Overlord in Canaan.

After further analysis, Shamgar is more than likely the might Irsu who ruled in Canaan. I presume this is why Judges makes no distinction of him, since he was a well known historical figure, and was not an Israelite, but did hold significant power and apparently fought against the Egyptians. If his identification with Irsu is accurate, then Shamgar was killed by Setnakhte

Hans Goedicke translation of Papyrus Harris I states that Irsu is a "Kharu", a term which has been associated with Hurrians and Horites. If this association is correct, Irsu is more than likely Shamgar, a judge of Israel with a Hurrian name.

The verbage in Papyrus Harris I also mirrors that in the Song of Deborah, stating in the days of Shamgar, the roads were abandoned.

Irsu also lines up perfectly with the sea peoples invasions of the northern levant (Byblos, etc.)

Shamgar is said to have slain 600 Philistines (with an oxgoad). Irsu's timeline matches perfectly with the invasion of sea peoples and the begining of his reign, this event likely solidified his influence in the region.

Irsu is Shamgar

Added to timeline:


jul 1, 1191 BC
jul 1, 1186 BC
~ 5 years