June 15, 2024

Stolen Generation (jan 1, 1910 – jan 1, 1970)


The ‘Stolen Generation’ regards to the time of which children were stolen from the Aboriginal people from their home which occurred during the mid-1800-1970s. The Australian government stole these children from the Aboriginal people and were and further deprived of their culture and stripped away all access to their families as well as subjected to abuse. This led to further trauma that is known as ‘Intergenerational Trauma’ in the future of the 17000 stolen generation survivors who struggle to live their daily lives. The Australian Government officially apologized to the Aboriginals on 13th of February 2008 where Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered a formal Apology on behalf of the nation to Australia's Indigenous Peoples, particularly the ‘Stolen Generations’. I move: That today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1910
jan 1, 1970
~ 60 years
