June 15, 2024

'July Days' - Bolsheviks lose support of the people (jul 3, 1917 – jul 7, 1917)


Workers and troops use weapons to make demonstrations which are known as the July Days. Due to this happening, Aleksandr Kerensky takes over as leader of the Provisional Government and due to paranoia of the possible threat the Bolsheviks had, Kerensky accuses Lenin of being a traitor and working for Germany which leads Lenin to leave the country for Finland. The Bolsheviks are turned on by the people and lose some of their members to jail due to a raid on the Bolshevik's printing office for their newspaper called Pravda. The provisional government kicks the Soviets out making the government less of a multi-controlled by-groups system. The death penalty is introduced and Women are allowed to hold govenrment positions and are capable of voting.

Added to timeline:


jul 3, 1917
jul 7, 1917
~ 4 days