June 15, 2024

Darius I / Xerxes Co-regency (jun 1, 496 BC – dec 8, 486 BC)



According to this chronological reconstruction, during his 10th year of reign Xerxes was co-regent of Darius I until 8 December 486 BCE, then full king after this date.

A careful examination of Egyptian documents confirms this change in Xerxes' status. Indeed, G. Posener had noted that the Egyptian title of Xerxes had changed from his Year 10 but without giving the reason. In his collection of hieroglyphic inscriptions (Posener: 1936, 92, 120-124, 162), Posener classified the Persian kings according to the chronology accepted in his time. However, several anomalies can be explained only by assuming a 10-year co-regency between Xerxes and Darius. In these inscriptions, Egyptian pharaohs, from Amasis to Artaxerxes, are still called “Lord of the Two Lands”, except Xerxes who is called “Master of Crowns” between year 1 and year 10 of his reign. He received the title of “Lord of the Two Lands”, the official title of the Pharaohs of Egypt, only from his year 10. If Xerxes had become pharaoh immediately after the death of Darius, he would have received the usual title Lord of the Two Lands used to designate Egyptian kings, but the title was awarded to him only from his year 10.

Diodorus dates the beginning of the Persian domination in Egypt in the third year of the 63rd Olympiad [in 526 BCE] (Historical Library I: 68:6) and the end in the archonship of Euclid [in 403 BCE], or in the year 2 of Artaxerxes II, when Amyrtaeus had become the new pharaoh of the 28th dynasty (Historical Library XIV:11:1-12:1, I:44:3). Those data taken from his Greek chronology are accurate. However, Diodorus wrote in summary: The Persians were the masters, after King Cambyses had subjected the nation by force of arms, for 135 years, contradicting his own chronological calculations (length of 123 years obtained between 526 and 403 BCE). In fact, the total period of 123 years corresponds to an amount calculated with a 40-year reign for Artaxerxes I, while that of 135 years corresponds to an actual reign of 51 years. Diodorus probably compiled different data from an Egyptian informer (Historical Library III:11) without trying to harmonize them. The reign of 6 years* in the Egyptian reckoning can correspond to 4 years in the Babylonian reckoning (526-522).

The titles of Xerxes in Egypt and the data of Diodorus confirm the 10-year co-regency with Darius...

Added to timeline:


jun 1, 496 BC
dec 8, 486 BC
~ 9 years and 5 months