June 15, 2024

Han Dynasty (jan 1, 206 BC – dec 31, 219)


The Han Dynasty in China lasted from 206 BC to 220 AD and was a time of political stability, economic prosperity, and cultural achievement. The Han Era was characterized by significant advances in technology, agriculture, art, literature, and philosophy.

The Han Dynasty was founded by the Emperor Liu Bang and was divided into two main periods: the Western Han and the Eastern Han. During the Western Han period, China experienced significant territorial expansion and cultural developments, including the emergence of Confucianism as a dominant intellectual and cultural force.

The Eastern Han period was marked by further cultural achievements, including the development of new artistic styles, the emergence of new schools of thought, such as Daoism, and the introduction of Buddhism to China. Despite these achievements, the Eastern Han period was also marked by political corruption and military conflict.

The Han Era came to an end with the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the Three Kingdoms period. Despite its eventual downfall, the Han Dynasty and Han Era were important milestones in Chinese history, as they laid the foundation for many of the political, economic, and cultural institutions that continue to shape China today.

Added to timeline:

11 Apr 2023


jan 1, 206 BC
dec 31, 219
~ 426 years
