June 15, 2024

2nd Sino-Japanese War (jul 7, 1937 – sep 1, 1945)


The Second Sino-Japanese War was a conflict fought between China and Japan from 1937 to 1945, and is considered a part of World War II. The war began with the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in July 1937, when a dispute between Chinese and Japanese troops led to fighting around the Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing.

Japan sought to expand its territory and influence in Asia, and used the pretext of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident to launch a full-scale invasion of China. The Chinese resistance was led by the Nationalist government under Chiang Kai-shek and the Communist Party under Mao Zedong.

The war was marked by significant atrocities committed by the Japanese army against Chinese civilians, including the Rape of Nanjing in 1937. The Chinese resistance was supported by the Soviet Union and the United States, which provided aid and training.

The war continued until the surrender of Japan in 1945, and resulted in the loss of tens of millions of lives and significant destruction across China. The conflict also weakened the Nationalist government and allowed the Communist Party to gain significant support and territory.

After the war, China emerged as a major player on the global stage, and the conflict remains an important part of China's national memory and identity.

Added to timeline:

11 Apr 2023


jul 7, 1937
sep 1, 1945
~ 8 years
