June 15, 2024

Sullivan A. Ballou (jan 1, 1854 – dec 31, 1855)


Smithfield, Rhode Island

Dates of Service: 1854 - 1859

Date of Birth: March 28, 1829

Birth Place: Smithfield, Rhode Island

Education: Nichols Academy; Phillips Academy; Brown University; National Law School

Occupation: Lawyer

Military Service:
After the bombardment of Fort Sumter in April 1861, President Lincoln called on the States loyal to the Union to provide 75,000 militia troops. Ballou promptly volunteered and encouraged others to do the same. He was commissioned a major in the 2nd Rhode Island Infantry Regiment. He was third in command of the Regiment, after Colonel John Slocum and Lieutenant Colonel Frank Wheaton. He was also appointed judge advocate of the Rhode Island militia.

After training at Camp Clark in Washington D.C., the 2nd Rhode Island had joined the Union Army of Northeastern Virginia by July 1861. On July 21, the regiment took part in the First Battle of Bull Run, which was the first major battle of the American Civil War. The 2nd Rhode Island Infantry were in the Second Brigade under the command of Colonel Ambrose Burnside, which was part of the Second Division in the Union Army of Northeastern Virginia.

Other Offices: Speaker

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1854
dec 31, 1855
~ 1 years and 11 months
