June 15, 2024

Franco-Prussian War (jul 19, 1870 – jan 28, 1871)


The Franco-Prussian War was a conflict that took place in 1870-1871, between the French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia.

The war was sparked by tensions over the succession to the Spanish throne, which was offered to a member of the Prussian royal family. The French Emperor Napoleon III feared the growing power of Prussia and sought to prevent the unification of Germany under Prussian leadership.

The conflict was characterized by several key battles, including the Battle of Sedan and the Siege of Paris, and were fought mainly between the armies of France and Prussia.

The war ended with the capture of Napoleon III and the signing of the Treaty of Frankfurt, which saw France lose territories to Germany and the emergence of the German Empire under Prussian leadership. The Franco-Prussian War had a significant impact on the politics and society of Europe and marked the beginning of a new era of German dominance in Europe.

Added to timeline:


jul 19, 1870
jan 28, 1871
~ 6 months
