June 15, 2024

30 Years War (may 23, 1618 – oct 24, 1648)


The Thirty Years' War was a religious conflict that took place in Europe between 1618 and 1648. It began in what is now the Czech Republic when the Protestant nobility rebelled against the Catholic Habsburg monarchy. The conflict escalated into a wider war involving many European powers, including Sweden, France, and Spain.

The war was fought primarily between Protestant and Catholic states, and it was marked by several key battles and sieges. It was also characterized by the widespread use of mercenaries and the devastation of the civilian population.

The war ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which recognized the sovereignty of individual states and allowed for greater religious tolerance. The war had a profound impact on European politics and society, and it is considered a major turning point in European history.

Added to timeline:


may 23, 1618
oct 24, 1648
~ 30 years
