June 15, 2024

The Aullest Raid on Epizen (jul 27, 857 – aug 16, 857)


The second Aullest raid in Oipienta occurred in 857 by a different band of warriors than those who raided Yenithe in 852. These raiders, who called themselves the Qetulvor and called the Kyõtorski in Oipientian, landed north of Epizen at the Castle Íbra-Kos-Taklívèk and massacred the defending forces there. King Moskevaním the Brave, after hearing reports of the Aullest landing, tried to reach Epizen with his troops before the Qetulvor attacked it but he left too late and on Aguust 3, 857, the Aullest warriors raided Epizen.

The man leading the defense of Epizen, Jãvĩk Itares, was able to kill the Qetulvor's leader, Chief Ausulad Tortsagnauv. Itares was able to push the raiders out of the city and back to the castle where they left for Daprania soon after. For his efforts in the raid, Itares was promised by Moskevaním a holding but the king never got around to doing so before his stroke due to war, other nobles, and economic situations. Instead, the king's brother, Shëshívuth, knighted Itares and granted him a fort in Northern Oipienta. This fort, Fort Ebèt, eventually grew into the town of Ebèt and became the capital of Yelshpenta in 886 when House Itares became the ruling House of Yelshpenta.

Added to timeline:


jul 27, 857
aug 16, 857
~ 20 days