June 15, 2024

The Aullest Raid on Yenithe (jun 6, 852 – jun 20, 852)


During the Aullest Invasions, a band of Aullest warriors (vikings) sailed down from Midi, Daprania to Yenithe looking for both glory and treasure. They landed north of Yenithe and proceeded to attack an Oipientian outpost. After their attack on the outpost, they went on to attack Yenithe on the mouth of the Ít Vulxesh River. The city was not prepared for an attack and quickly succumbed to the raiders. After the Raid of Yenithe, the Aulles continued on north along the river, heading for Diboribovè. However, while they were resting a couple miles from the city, the Oipientian Royal Guard and King Moskevaním the Brave ambushed the Aulles and quickly defeated them. The warriors left with most of their bounty from Yenithe and the outpost soon after.

Added to timeline:


jun 6, 852
jun 20, 852
~ 14 days