June 15, 2024

Roman Era (jan 2, 326 BC – jan 1, 476)


In 327 BC the Second Samnite War resulted from tensions between Romans and Neapolis, and the Roman army besieged Neapolis. Samnite and Nolan soldiers defended the city, and after a year-long siege betrayal lead to surrender to the Romans. Rome left the city with wide autonomy and allows its customs to survive, making a solidarity pact with particular attention as to its already important maritime role.

In 280 BC Pyrrhus failed to take the city or induce it to rebel. In 211 BC during the Second Punic War, Capua was severely punished by the Romans, and its dominance waned in favor of Neapolis. From 199 BC its role as a maritime power began to diminish in favor of competitor Puteoli. Neapolis sided with Marius in the civil war of 82 BC, and was devastated by the armies of Sulla, depriving Neapolis of the island of Ischia and compromising its trade to the advantage of Puteoli. The city again chose the losing side in Pompey in the civil war with Julius Caesar in 50 BC, and declined economically. Under Augustus the city began to recover and the city flourished culturally. It became a pleasant resort location, though earthquakes in 62 and 64 caused setbacks. The last nominal western emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was exiled in Naples after being deposed in 476.

Added to timeline:

8 Dec 2022


jan 2, 326 BC
jan 1, 476
~ 802 years