// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. First Anglo-Powhatan War (jan 1, 1610 – jan 1, 1614) (Timeline)
April 1, 2024

First Anglo-Powhatan War (jan 1, 1610 – jan 1, 1614)


Despite early efforts by the Powhatans for peaceful relations with the English settlers, war broke out in 1610 with the first Anglo-Powhatan war. In the beginning, the Indian chieftain Powhatan had staged a mock execution of John Smith when his daughter Pocahontas "saved" Smith by interposing her head between his and the war clubs of his captors. This act was intended to demonstrate his power but also his desire for friendly relations. So at first, relations were friendly, and the natives helped the settlers survive at Jamestown, and Powhatan may have even looked to the colonists as allies to help him dominate surrounding tribes. However, relations quickly turned sour with the constant raiding of Indian food supplies and the arrival of Lord De La Warr, an Irish oppressor with a declaration of war from the Virginia Company who used "Irish tactics" to oppress the Powhatans. After four years of fighting, a peace treaty was signed and sealed by the marriage of Pocahontas to the colonist John Rolfe - the first known interracial union in Virginia.

Added to timeline:

3 Apr 2018


jan 1, 1610
jan 1, 1614
~ 4 years