July 1, 2024

rd-20090515 (23h 28min, may 13, 2009 y – 0h 51min, may 16, 2009 y)


rd-20090515 is a pre-Classic version made on May 15, 2009. This version was never released. Although there is a version titled "rd-20090515" in the launcher, attempting to play it downloads rd-161348 instead.


-This version is the version shown in the "Minecraft progress." video.

-Unlike other pre-classic versions, this does not use a "ddhhmm" (day-hour-minute) format, but instead a "yyyymmdd" (year-month-day) format.

-The game was renamed from "Cave Game" to "Minecraft: Order of the Stone" prior to this version.

-The "rd" before the version number stands for RubyDung, a game Notch was working on before Minecraft, whose codebase was later reused for Minecraft.

-There was a version in the launcher titled "rd-20090515", however, rd-20090515 is not on the Minecraft download servers, as attempting to download it will download rd-161348 instead, a much later version.

-This is first version has been duplicated in the launcher.

Added to timeline:


23h 28min, may 13, 2009 y
0h 51min, may 16, 2009 y
~ 3 days