June 15, 2024

Charles R. Mansolillo, Esq. (jan 1, 1973 – dec 31, 1975)


Providence, Rhode Island

Dates of Service: January 1, 1973-1975

Date of Birth: March 8, 1949

Birth Place: Providence, Rhode Island

Education: He was a 1967 graduate of Classical High School and a 1971 cum laude graduate of Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont. In 1985 he received his law degree from Suffolk University Law School and was admitted to the Rhode Island Bar Association. He pursued graduate studies in theology at the former Weston Jesuit School of Theology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Occupation: Upon graduation from Saint Michael’s he taught English and Latin at the former Saint Peter’s High School in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Other Offices: In 1973 Charles began his career in Rhode Island state and local government as the youngest member of the Providence delegation in the General Assembly. Beginning in 1975 he served as a Councilman and subsequently as Chief of Staff to Mayor Vincent A. Cianci, Jr.; and as a member of the Commission that authored the Providence Home Rule Charter.

In 1986 was the Republican nominee for Mayor of Providence. Charles returned to the state government in 1987 as legal counsel in the Department of Children and Their Families. Subsequently, he was appointed Director of the Governor’s Office of Housing, Energy, and Intergovernmental Relations by Governor DiPrete, and later as the Governor’s Policy Director. In 1991 Charles rejoined Providence city government as Deputy City Solicitor, and thereafter in 1992 was appointed City Solicitor by Mayor Cianci. Upon completion of his tenure in 2003 the Providence City Council in recognition of his service conferred on him the honorific title of City Solicitor Emeritus.

Affiliations: Active in community affairs Charles served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Providence anti-poverty agency ProCAP, Inc., and as a trustee of the Providence Public Library. He also served as chairman of the board of the Providence Catholic Schools Collaborative. Charles was a communicant of Saint Pius V Church and served there as a lector.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1973
dec 31, 1975
~ 2 years and 11 months
