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April 1, 2024

Science fiction steers the conversation (jan 3, 1950 – apr 21, 1950)


In 1950, I Robot was published – a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.

Asimov was one of several science fiction writers who picked up the idea of machine intelligence, and imagined its future. His work was popular, thought-provoking and visionary, helping to inspire a generation of roboticists and scientists. He is best known for the Three Laws of Robotics, designed to stop our creations turning on us. But he also imagined developments that seem remarkably prescient – such as a computer capable of storing all human knowledge that anyone can ask any question.

Added to timeline:

6 Mar 2018


jan 3, 1950
apr 21, 1950
~ 3 months and 18 days