June 15, 2024

Lucy R. Tootell (jan 1, 1973 – dec 31, 1976)


Richmond, Rhode Island

Dates of Service: January 1, 1973-1976

Date of Birth: November 27, 1911

Birth Place: Richmond, Rhode Island

Education: Graduated from Rhode Island College in 1933 and pursued further study at the Boston University School of Law

Occupation: Vice President, Wood River Branch Railroad Co.; Teacher, Roger Williams Junior High School in Providence and Richmond Elementary School

Affiliations: Clerk of Richmond School Committee; Chairman, Rhode Island Heritage Month Committee Inc.; President, Richmond Historical Society; Member, Richmond Grange No. , State Grange, National Grange; Local Historian and Lecturer; Chairman, Kingston Historic District; Member, Board of Directors, Kingston Free Library

Honors and Awards: She was posthumously inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame in 2013.

Other Information: Wife of the late Coach Frederic Delmont Tootell. She was the first woman to represent District 52 in the state house. Their home in Kingston is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as Tootell House. Her brother Rob Roy Rawlings also served in the state legislature and her father, Roy Willard Rawlings, was a Republican Speaker of the Rhode Island House

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1973
dec 31, 1976
~ 4 years
