June 15, 2024

Lulu Mowry Schlesinger (jan 1, 1927 – dec 31, 1928)


Charlestown, Rhode Island

Dates of Service: January 1927-1928

Date of Birth: December 28, 1874

Birth Place: Englewood, New Jersey

Education: Private Schools


Other Offices: Served on the Charlestown Town Council; Town Treasurer and Charlestown School Committee.

Affiliations: Founder and charter member of the Cross Mills Library, a trustee at South County Hospital, and a charter member of the Charlestown County Club. Republican State Committeewoman.

Other Information:
Lulu Mowry Schlesinger (R) was elected to the House of Representatives in 1926, and became the first female State Senator in 1928. One of her most significant legislative victories came in 1927 when her bill permitting women jurors became law.

During her time in office, Schlesinger also submitted legislation supporting the health and welfare of women and children, protecting factory workers, and permitting the use of federal funds to support state care of mothers and infants.

She was the second first woman to receive a Rhode Island Driver’s License.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1927
dec 31, 1928
~ 2 years
