June 15, 2024

GOI Act 1935 (jan 1, 1935 – dec 31, 1935)


- All India Federation comprises all British India Provinces, all chief commissioner's provinces, and princely states --> 11 Provinces created --> proposed federation never came up. The central government carried on until 1946 via provisions for GOI Act 1919

- Federal Level --> Legislature ---> Bicameral structure at the center
*** The Federal Assembly has 250 members (partly directly elected by British provinces and 40% nominated by the Princely state)
*** The Council of States has 156 members body(partly indirectly elected by British provinces and 33% nominated by princely states) ---> permanent body with term of 5 years and 1/3rd retiring every 3rd year
- Concept of joint sitting of both the houses

- Federal Level --> Executive --> Dyarchy ---> At the center, subjects are divided into reserved and transferred subjects. Reserved subjects like Foreign Affairs, Defence, Tribal Areas, and Ecclesiastical Affairs. Transferred subjects to be administered by GG with ministers responsible to the legislature
*** 80% of the budget is still not votable
- 3 list of federations: federal, provincial, and concurrent
- GG had residuary powers --> restore cuts in grants, certify bills rejected by the legislature, issue ordinances, and exercise veto

- Provincial Autonomy - abolition of dyarchy but continue at Center(but not followed) --> provinces freed from 'the superintendence, direction" of SOS and GG i.e derived authority from Crown itself

- Provincial level --> Executive --> Governor with special powers wrt to minorities, rights of civil services, law and order, British business interests, partially excluded areas, princely states, etc.
- Provincial Level -- >Legislative --->direct elections to be conducted, communal award, women got the rights on the same basis of the man, 40% budget still not votable

- communal electorates further extended to the depressed class, labor, women, and Marathas apart from Muslims, Christians, Anglo-Indians, and Sikhs

- The Indian Council of SOS was abolished

####### The Act led to:
** Separation of Burma from British India, effective from 1 April 1937
** Establishment of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
** Establishment of the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), a Provincial Public Service Commission (PPSC) in each province, and the JPSC
** Creation of the Federal Court in 1937
** Bicameralism in six provinces (Bombay, Madras, Bengal, Bihar, Assam, and United Provinces) out of 11 provinces

## A partial reorganization of the provinces:
** Sindh was separated from Bombay
** Bihar and Orissa was split into separate provinces of Bihar and Orissa
** Burma was completely separated from India
** Aden was also detached from India, and established as a separate Crown colony

- Congress condnemed the act. Hindu Mahasabha and National Liberation Foundation supported the act

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1935
dec 31, 1935
~ 12 months