June 15, 2024

Erza Dixon (jan 1, 1907 – dec 31, 1907)


Bristol, Rhode Island

Dates of Service: January 1907

Date of Birth: December 12, 1849

Birth Place: Spencer, Massachusetts

Education: Public Schools

Occupation: Manufacturer

Military Service: Though still in his early ’teens when the Civil War broke out, Mr. Dixon enlisted in the Quartermaster’s Department of the Federal Government and on December 1, 1863, was sent to Hilton Head, Port Royal, South Carolina. In the following year, 1864, he returned to Massachusetts, and enlisted at Stoneville in the 42d Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, in which he served with Company F, until he was mustered out of service in November, 1864. Returning again to Stoneville, Massachusetts, he remained there about six months and then once more enlisted in the Quartermaster’s Department, in which he continued to serve until the end of the war, when he received his honorable discharge.

Other Offices: 1909-16 of the Rhode Island State Senate, representing in both of these the town of Bristol. The town of Bristol has also benefited by his thirty years’ service on its sewer commission, and it was Mr. Dixon who organized its modern sewer system. Director and a member of the executive committee of the Industrial Trust Company, Providence, and chairman of the board of the Bristol Branch of this financial institution. At one time he served for fifteen years as a member of the Rhode Island State Welfare Board.

Affiliations: Member of Babbitt Post, No. 15, Grand Army of the Republic, he has also served as Department Commander for the State of Rhode Island of this organization, while the 1st Light Infantry of Providence elected him to honorary membership. member of numerous Masonic bodies. His religious affiliation is with the Methodist Episcopal Church of Bristol, of which he has been a trustee for many years. He is also greatly interested in the local Young Men’s Christian Association, of which he was president for nineteen years.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1907
dec 31, 1907
~ 12 months
