Question: Sept. 8th - A Little Spot Learns Online
1) What do you think are the 3 most important things you need to do to make sure you are ready for virtual learning?
2) Do you feel that you are ready for virtual learning? If you are ready, explain what you have done to help be prepared for virtual learning. If not, what are some things you can do to get prepared for virtual learning? (18h 59min, sep 8, 2020 y – 19 h, sep 8, 2020 y)
After Reading A Little Spot Learns Online, take a minute to think about all the things Spot shared with us about what we should do to prepare for virtual learning. Then read the questions and type your answers out and hit the submit button to turn in your response.
Reminder: Please remember to type your responses in complete sentences to make sure your answers come across clear to your teacher and classmates.
Added to timeline:
18h 59min, sep 8, 2020 y
19 h, sep 8, 2020 y
~ 1 min