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April 1, 2024

Reconstruction Era (dec 8, 1863 – mar 31, 1877)


The era where the united states reconstructed the country tbh.

The 13th amendment (slavery one), 14th amendment (protect the rights of citizens and eliminate "Black Codes"), and the 15th amendment (right to vote for all men) were passed.

Republicans controlled the Senate, House, and Presidency so they could pass whatever they wanted because like who was gonna stop them lmao (well actually Andrew Johnson tried to stop them by vetoing the Civil Rights act of 1866 but they just impeached him rip).

Republicans weren't doing it completely out of the good of their hearts, freed black people provided a hearty voting bloc for Republicans.

Black people held political office on all 3 levels of government (hype), but also suffered from oppressive sharecropping practices and threats/violence from groups like the KKK (not hype).

Ended with the Compromise of 1877, removing federal troops from the South, while conceding the presidential election to the Republican candidate (don't remember his name, Van Buren I think.)

Added to timeline:

19 May 2021


dec 8, 1863
mar 31, 1877
~ 13 years