July 1, 2024

[15] Reign of Aelev N. (may 1, 1670 – sep 26, 1712)


Empress Aelev was known for her extreme dislike for the merchant class in Javicia and banned them and continuously exiled or executed many wealthy or powerful merchant families and individuals. She passed many reforms that limited the powers and influence of the merchants. These reforms are known collectivly as the Aelevian Reforms. They had an important impact on trade which resulted in the Trade Depression and the mass migrations of peasants and farmers into cities and other urban centers. Empress Aelev was favored basically only by the noble class. However, dispite Aelev's dislike of the merchant class, she was socially progressive regarding the culture and thinking of the times. She promoted local artists and the writing of vernacular languages for books and education (after Oipientian and Iopon), and patroned various works of art in the major cities in Javicia, mainly Nevashivi, Brarith, Grotia Asquur, Kueplios, etc..

Empress Aelev also granted many powers to the nobles of Javicia and held lectures about her racial beliefs and that the Soleians, Yokugs, Iats, and Newthusians were inferior to the other more elite races. She did lectures regarding women's rights and their need to have as much power and freedom as men. Aelev was known as homophobic but privatley participated in lesbian acts with her various female maids in the Palace of the Monarchs in Nevashivi. She had all maids be women for all royal palaces in Javicia. Her homosexual secret was never revealed to the public until letters written by her and her most important female lover were discovered in 1904 within a chest hidden in the rubble of Fa Tower.

Added to timeline:


may 1, 1670
sep 26, 1712
~ 42 years