June 15, 2024

[29] Cãvdẽrv Term (jan 10, 1928 – jan 10, 1933)


29th Tsĩvgalè
The Tsĩvgalèploi Term of Rikjoert Masívik Cãvdẽrv. His family comes from a long line of metal workers and blacksmiths.

He started out his term well with the extreme rise in birth rates and shifting the republic from a war economy more to a civil economy. However, because of the shift, the unexpected Pentan-Velzen War took longer than people thought and the attempt to return to producing war materials crashed the economy. The crash led to a lessening of violence in the war and because the Velzen Republic was arleady deep in a depression, the two agreed to a treaty where Velzenia would be annexed by Oipienta. Despite finally annexing Velzenia after 430 years of wanting to, Cãvdẽrv still lost a lot of popularity for technically causing the crash in the economy bringing the living standard down. He was also disliked for doing absolutely nothing about the GN Civil War. It cost him his reelection and the growth of the Fascist party.

Ethnicity: Oipientian (born in Yenithe)
Oipientian Liberal

Added to timeline:


jan 10, 1928
jan 10, 1933
~ 5 years