June 15, 2024

The Second Oipientian Civil War (aug 8, 1799 – mar 28, 1801)


After the Great Javician Civil War, the old tradition of an aristocracy still continued into the Oipientian Republic. Within the Oipientian Constitution, a Council of "Lords" still existed in order to delegate specific rules and laws to specific parts of the nation and to help pick those who become President or leaders of the Legislatures. In the early Oipientian Republic, no middle class or lower class citizens participated in the government, only rich, land-owning, Oipientian high class citizens were able to partake in it. However, during the Election of 1792, Rasvãya Muksĩ, a middle class hero in Oipatrev who helped establish the first middle class municipal government in Oipienta. It was an extreme surprise to the Oipientian aristocracy when he won the election of Tsĩvgalè and so led Muksĩ's rivals to plot assassination attempts against him in order to lessen his impact against the social class traditions carried on from the old Empire. With his death, his cousin Jãmivu Ríven-Muksĩ, a high class citizen, continued his cousin's work in dismantiling the strict social classes of the repulbic. This led to the Second Oipientian Civil War, where the aristocracy waged war against the lower and middle classes. The war was extremely bloody due to the fighting within Oipienta but it led to the destruction of an aristocratic government.

The Dismantling of the old tradition of strict class society
The former middle class citizens were able to partake in government, however lower class citizens could not due to the costs of participating (the one thing that the aristocracy was able to pass before it was dismantled was the Familial Income Law).

Added to timeline:


aug 8, 1799
mar 28, 1801
~ 1 years and 7 months