June 15, 2024

The Doss Rebellion (15 h, nov 4, 2020 y – 20h 21min, nov 9, 2020 y)


On November 4, 2020, the Doss Crisis grew into the Doss Rebellion. Former Member, Luke Doss, seized control of the Covenant of Richmond’s official Instagram account and held it for five days until demands were met by President Elect Jack Stifter.

While Luke held control of the account, all former posts were deleted and the page was vandalized. This continued for the four days of the rebellion’s life.

The demands were as followed, no member shall be tagged in any post and no member shall have a picture of themselves posted without permission to do so.

President Elect Jack Stifter regained control of the account on November 9, 2020 and restored it back to its former glory.

Added to timeline:


15 h, nov 4, 2020 y
20h 21min, nov 9, 2020 y
~ 5 days