June 15, 2024

[26] The Tothek Term (jan 10, 1883 – jan 10, 1907)


26th Tsĩvgalè
The Tsĩvgalèploi Term of Javik Tothek.
1st VP:
2nd VP:
3rd VP: Rilen Hãskílis

He became the unofficial Tshatèltõn of Oipienta after he ceases complete control of the Republic of Oipienta with major influence of Jasin in writing the Constitution of the Second Republic of Oipienta. He was 54 years old when he dissolved the senate, 82 when he left the presiedency and 84 when he died. He was born in 1829 and was the Vice Tsĩvgalè to Rèxtèxvèch. He was in the Senate of the Republic since January 10, 1861 after he was elected in by Myosa on October 25, 1860. He was for the invasion of Javicia was the writer of the State Act.

During the Rextèxec Term, various social and labor reforms were passed but when Tothek came into power, he began quickly reversing them. He banned labor unions (allowed since the 1850s), banned women from working industrial jobs (Rextèxec reform [RR]), increased work day to 18 hours from the reformed 16 hours (RR), and allowed children ages 5 and up to work in industrial jobs. These decisions to reverse the Rextèxec reforms were extremely unpopular but through Tothek's use of the military and application of a national curfew, he was able to disrupt a lot of revolutionary or rebel groups and areas. Women were once again restricted to the house and became more like property than people.

Ethnicity: Myosa-Oipientian (born in Rebinèthi)
Ideology: Authoritarian socialist (he inspired the Oipientian Fascist Party)

Oipientian Socialist Party

Added to timeline:


jan 10, 1883
jan 10, 1907
~ 24 years